We love working with like-minded partners that let us do an impactful work. In fact, we started TISA Software with a simple goal: to craft and apply technologically innovative solutions working side by side with challenging companies, startups and forward-thinking enterprises.
Luckily for us, we had the opportunity to work together with several of these kind of customers.
In this opportunity we have been able to interview Luis Cabrera, Co-Founder and CEO of RYVE, the company that works supporting schools, clubs and other organization teams to increase their sport offer through sustainable money raising tools.
- Luis, can you talk us about RYVE? How was the idea born and in what stage is the company today?
Ryve is a strong e-commerce platform that shares the profits with organizations within its network. A platform designed specifically for teams, clubs and organizations to improve their actions in fundraising and generate extra income through sustainable money raising tools.
Our story starts from making baseball bats with a special wood from the subtropical forests of the Argentine Chaco Park: the Guayaibi, a semi-hard, flexible and resistant wood which allowed the bat to have an excellent pop. From the beginning we understood that doing things right would enable us to improve institutions’ functioning and the lives of related people. Currently, we have incorporated into the portfolio baseball gloves made with genuine cowhide and other products of different sports, such as soccer, swimming, basketball, golf, hockey and running. In fact, we work every day to offer a competitive catalogue, including products from first brands and high quality sport gear.
- A few moments ago you mentioned the concept of fundraising, could you explain a little more about it and what role it plays in RYVE?

We work together with schools, clubs, organizations and athletes, and for every product sold online we share profits with the organization, creating the opportunity for them to dramatically improve their fundraising activities.
In short, Ryve allows organizations to promote and sell their products, obtaining profit through the sales system while we manage inventory, customer service, shipping and handling. We also give support to setup communication campaigns providing content and designs to be used in Social Media and any other platform.
- And how does it work?
How does it work? Nice question. For every product you purchase, we will help a sport organization. I think that it is all about teamwork between Ryve and our partners, but if we had to explain everything in a few steps, these would be:
- We partner
- We set up an ecommerce site for the organization
- The organization promotes
- People on the organization’s community buys
- Ryve handles logistics and deliveries
- The organization earn cash on every purchase
At this point it is important to note that all services provided by Ryve to the organizations are FREE. No subscription or monthly fees are required. Ryve share profits with the organizations sending payments under a previous established schedule.
- Sounds great. Now I would like to learn about the Ryve development process, because it is not news that, pushed by different needs, companies today are outsourcing their application development projects to nearshore providers. The question is, how was your experience working with TISA?
Throughout my career I have come to understand perfectly that successful partner engagements come from building a true partnership mindset, and as every entrepreneur knows, it is fundamental to find a partner that really understands your needs.
Our partnership with TISA was built on a model that has been able to deliver innovation, quality and a convenient cost of execution. We´ve been working with TISA from the start and I´m in the position to ensure that they were creative and flexible, but also very professional. We have been impressed with their pool of quality developers and the excellence of their work. Certainly it is a pleasure to have worked and to continue working with them, they've really played a key role in our business and have been proved to be a very reliable partner.
- I'm really glad to hear it! Finally, what are the forecasts for RYVE?
We have a marked route but it is not carved in stone. Our main goal is to continue providing young athletes the tools to be successful in their practice and raise funds while generating a positive work culture, opening the market at both, national and international level.
Today we are working hard to bring to the market our Fan Prepaid Card, a card designed and customized for each organization and people who would like to support their team. I am convinced that it will be a great solution for money rising, immediately team support, expending tracking, and much more. In the meantime we go beyond fundraising as we want to support the good quality of the product delivered on the field, so we are also continuously working on our e-learnings programs focused to strengthen capabilities and enhance the quality of the sports, building value and generating impact.
We are convinced that teamwork, direct contact between manufacturers and consumers, networking, the company's experience and the quality of products, will help us continue to grow.
Let’s play together! :)

About Edgardo Gamboso
Edgardo is Creative Copywriter with more than 8 years of experience working for different kind of projects and for some of the most important brands as a project leader and creative director.
Nowadays Edgardo is responsible for managing all the communications within TISA Software. Beyond his marketing knowledge and his passion for the technology Edgardo enjoys seeing TV series and doing outdoor sports, mainly riding bike and running.